Wednesday, October 8, 2008

What has it been? Three months now?

I can't believe it's already been 3 months since I've moved here. Time really does fly by.

I survived my "probational" period at my job so I'm now officially hired and have access to all those crazy benefits and things you get when you have a real job.

As for what I've been up to these past weeks, it's been kinda a whirlwind. After the DNC, I thought things at work would slow down a little bit. I've spent much of the last few weeks up in Leadville wrapping things up for the season. I think it snowed like a foot up there a couple nights ago, so it's good we got everything finished up. Speaking of snow, I've heard that some of the snow resorts are scheduled to open up this coming weekend! This seems crazy to me because I was just up in the mountains last weekend and there was absolutely no snow at one of these resorts. Even coming from MN, it's amazing to me that you can get a 40 inch snow pack in less than 1 week.

I drove up into the mountains last weekend to check out some of the fall colors and they were so beautiful. I'll attach some of my photos to the end of this post. I did some hiking up on Guanella Pass which is near Georgetown and also took a drive through Breckenridge and Fairplay. The Aspens were at their peak and were a blaze orange. SOOOO pretty. I highly recommend visiting CO in the fall.

A couple weekends ago, I went to visit some friends in St. Paul and to go to my friend Jackie's bachelorette party. It was so fun to see all the old gang and be back at my old apt. It didn't quite feel like home anymore, though. We had a lot of fun and some of my friends even sang to me at a piano bar.

I'm headed back to MN again this weekend for Jackie's wedding, which is in Fulda. I'm so excited to go back and stay at Mom and Dad's house, see my family and old friends, and even see Fulda. :) It really will be a fun weekend.

Like I promised, I'll post some of those fall pictures. Love and miss you all!!
