Friday, July 25, 2008

Loving Denver, cont.

A couple more things to note:

Sonic Drive-In is everywhere out here. For all of you back in MN stuck watching those commercials and not having a Sonic to go to, don't feel bad. I tried it and it looks better on TV. If you need a greasy drive-in fix, Culvers beats Sonic anyday.

Drivers out here are mean. People don't let you merge and they honk and give you the finger constantly.

It's dry, dry, dry. I feel like I've been drinking water non-stop since I've gotten here and I'm still dehydrated.

They have something they call a DWAI (Driving While Ability Impaired) which is basically a DWI at .05 instead of a .08. All the consequences are the same.

And lastly, I discovered a place called Sunflower Market, which is the best grocery store I've ever been to. It has all organic meats and locally grown produce as well as a bunch of other organic products for a fraction of the regular grocery store. I went there the other day and got a bunch of meat, fruits and veggies for $16. CRAZY AWESOME!!!

1 comment:

domey said...

PS. There are sonics around the Twin Cities...just an FYI
PPS. I miss you