Friday, July 25, 2008

Loving Denver

I've finally spent some time in Denver this week and I'm really beginning to love this city. Sooooooo much to do and see and eat, it turns out.

I had my 40-hour HAZMAT training this week and for those of you who don't know, its the training where they teach you how to deal with hazardous materials. I had to take the class over at the City of Denver and the class was me and 30 men. I walked in the first day and thought I was at firefighter training or something. Most of them looked like they should be professional wrestlers and not Denver city workers. They all turned out to be really nice though and since I was the only lady, I think I got a little special treatment. After my test, 5 of the guys at my table took me out to the bar to celebrate our success. Needless to say, that was an experience.

I passed my training so now I'm fully certified to clean up any kind of hazardous spill (although I hope I never have to). I also found out today that I will be working at the DNC as an environmental officer. I'll basically be on standby ready and waiting for something hazardous to happen, such as a dirty bomb or bio-terrorism. Sounds way more intense that it actually will be. Some of the guys in my office did the same type of thing for the Olympics in Salt Lake City and said you basically hang out in a tent all day playing poker.

I had my first taste of the night-life last night and I have to say I had a blast. My roommate and I and a bunch of friends went downtown to the Sports Column which is a bar by Coors Field. I'd say it is a combination of Billy's and Drink which I know sounds weird. The rooftop is awesome and two of my friends have a loft two buildings over on the top floor with a balcony. I'll definitely be spending lots of time there in the near future I'm sure.

Anyway, that's what I've been up to. Hope everyone and everything is well back in MN.

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